Monday 19 March 2012

Viva la revolucion! (of the Earth around the Sun)

This weekend in Berlin the weather was eerily similar to a Perth winter. The temperature hovered around 20˚C and Berliners flocked to the sunny parts of the streets. However, as chuffed as Vicky and I were to get out in the sunshine and get some (much needed) Vitamin D, we also didn't fancy cramming ourselves alongside hundreds of Germans on popular outdoor seating, nor wait in the mind-boggling-ly long line for ice-cream (out of season!). How could we, too, enjoy this wonderful turn in the season?

Luckily, Maria Bonita came to our rescue. She sells take-away margaritas. We were able to get a couple and stroll around P-Berg in shirtsleeves and comfort. 

salt-encrusted rim and all
It was spectacular.  Saturday was the warmest day in Berlin for over one hundred years. I enjoyed my first iced-drink on the streets. Thank you, global warming conspiracy!

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