Thursday, 31 May 2012

Glutenfrei, Vego Hamburger?

A couple of weeks ago, Vicky and I went to Hamburg for a long weekend. It was a lot of fun. Hamburg is, after all, a party city. Check it out.

Obvs, we went to the Reeperbahn. You know all about that, I'm sure. A nod's a good as a wink to a blind bat, eh?
ominous clouds in the background, too

And the winner is...

I was going to write something snarky about all the entrants to the last mind-bending riddle being inventive-but-forgetful geniuses, as everybody entered anonymously. This would have made it terribly difficult to correctly award the well-deserved Euro. One anon is like any other, after all.

Fortunately, Chris wrote his name within his anonymous entry, so he wins by default. Clearly the cleverest.

Chris, next time I see you, I have a well-polished Euro with your name on it!*

This, of course, assumes you are a Chris I already know.

*"your name on it" is a metaphor; "well-polished" isn't. 

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Another Riddle

The picture below was taken in Rome, not Berlin, but Vicky was eating a gluten-free meal and I was eating a delicious no-cheese, all-mushroom pizza, so it's still blog-relevant. 

While noshing, I was utterly bamboozled as to what the sign could possibly mean. So, I have on offer a carefully hand-selected collectible €1 coin to whomever can best explain it. 

Let's hope we get more than one entrant this time...
no prize if you guess 'stop the Euro going right'

Monday, 14 May 2012

I Like Ice-Cream.

Oh, and I forgot to mention. The dukkah ice-cream is flipping brilliant. You ain't had anything like it: well worth the ongoing embarrassment every time we visit the store.
These ice-creams are actually from the store on the other side of the park with a smaller line, and they are not dukkah flavour  but they are also pretty good

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Glutenfrei Cupcakes II: This Time It's Personal

I know, we have already posted about the gluten free cupcakes from Cupcake. The thing is, we ordered those cupcakes as a share of a larger conglomerate, so I couldn't really comment on the whole experience. For Vicky's birthday, however, I placed a special order all by myself and everything was so lovely and delightful that I simply must write again to show you how truly amazing they really are. Also, we gots great pics of this lot.

Wo ist Wally?

Right here, at the convention, planning where to hide next.
They're at a restaurant called "Cheese King"

Start Me Up


again my apologies for the length of time in-between posts. I have been working a new job and although it is awesome and precisely what I have always wanted to do, ever since I was a little boy in short pants with a cape, I have also been working preposterously long hours and not been able to make the blogging curfew (aka, my bed-time).

However, it's not all bad news. Allow me to explain. Because it is a bit of a strange thing working for these fledgling Berlin start-up companies and loads and loads of people seem to be flocking here to join in the fun, I thought I would write a list about the best and worst of it for anybody else mulling over the decision.

Sunday, 6 May 2012


Meet Ralf. He was my birthday present from Matt. Apparently, Ralf enjoys off road mountain biking and extreme sports. He is also quite partial to drinking beer at Prater Biergarten.

Ralf is not impressed by the head on this beer.

Bier bei Berlin

The 3 litres of beer below costs me only €2.19 and it was not bad at all.
Goldener Price Prize-winning dirt cheap beer!
Blimey I love it here.

My liver, not so much.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

small differences

it has the same number of syllables but I still can't help wondering how they sing the song:
"Können Sie mir sagen, wie man zu Sesamstrasse geht?"

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Senza glutine in Rome

Matt and I went to Rome for Easter. I loved it, but beforehand I was a little depressed at the prospect of surviving on mushroom risotto (I swear that mushroom risotto and spinach and ricotta canelloni are the only vegetarian dishes Italian restaurants ever serve) and these crackers:

I don't think you should actually keep these in your pocket.